Woodwork and Furniture

This sector is generally defined in 3 main groups, which can be expressed as tree-wood sector, furniture sector and paper-cardboard sector. In addition, thereis a classification according to the production stages; the first manufacturing industry (timber, slab, pulp and paper industry), the second manufacturing industry (parquet, joinery, furniture, prefabric etc.) and other forest products.

Türkiye production is carried out in three different areas in the furniture industry. The first one is mass-producer medium and large scale companies in organized industrial zones. The second production area is small industrial sites. Many small-scale firms make similar productions away from clustering in these sites. The third one is small-scale companies that are scattered in cities.In Karaman, the Wood Works-Furniture Sector is generally located in the small industrial site, which is mentioned as the second production area.

According to the registration of Karaman Chamber of Furniture there are 100 Carpenters, 150 Furniture Manufacturers, 110 Furniture Repairers and 7 Timber Manufacturers in Karaman by 2023. In addition to this statistic, there are 2 companies manufacturing television units and furniture within the Organized Industrial Zone.

Karaman-Wood Forest Products and Furniture Industry was manufacturing considerable capacity of floor board in the past in Türkiye. But with the development of the laminate flooring sector, the demand of floor boards are decreased

However, especially in the last 15 years in the direction of the development of the construction sector, the furniture sector have begun to develop. Now the companies are manufacturing kitchen furnitures, television units, cabinets and special design products to the construction sector.These enterprises also have export potential and they export their furnitures to different countries. Even the furniture companies which are in the Organized Industrial Zone also export to many country worldwhile. So export is very important for the development of the sector in Karaman.

In addition, in line with the needs of the advanced food industry in Karaman; different branch of the woodworking sector is developed.There are domestic and foreign investments for the production of cardboard and cardboard packaging.

The history of the sector, know-how in the region, moisture-free climatic conditions and flat investment areas are the positive points for Karaman to be an important center in this sector.

Karaman Investment Support Office
T.R. Mevlana Development Agency
Karaman Investment Support Office

Rauf Denktaş Mahallesi, Kazım Karabekir Paşa Cad. Huzur Apt. No: 48/A Karaman TÜRKİYE 70100
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