


Karaman has been an important settlement for about 10.000 years due to its geographic location, its climate and plant cover.

After the excavations and surface researches in the village of Süleymanhacı, the tumulus of Pınarbaşı, it has been found out that Karaman was a settlement in the epi-paleolithic period. In the excavations made in Canhasan I and Canhasan III tumuli, within the region of Karaman the village of Alaçatı and Pınarbaşı tumulus, findings important to the human history from the neolithic period were discovered.

Research done on the surface of Kilbasan Sisan Tumulus and other tumuli, brought about many findings from the Bronze Age. During the Hittite Period Karaman was in the domain of a semi-independent state called Arzava. The city was a significant centre for trade and army at that time.

On Mount Karadağ, on the hill of Malahaç and Kızıldağ are hieroglyphic inscriptions from the Hittite period. Furthermore, at a point on Kızıldağ looking over the plain and the Lake of Hotamış is a relief of Young King Hartapus of Hittite.

In 7 th BC the city was invaded by the Phrygians and in 6 th BC by the Lycians, at the end of the 6 th BC century the city was dominated by the Persians. During the classical period Karaman, in the domain of Lykaonia was called Laranda. In 322 BC the successors of Alexander the Great, Perdikkas and Philippos destroyed and plundered Laranda during the Hellenistic Period. Later it was under reign of Antigon and Selerkos and remained under the Anatolian Hellenistic sovereignity until 1 st BC. Laranda was under the dominance of the ruler of the local kingdom Derbe during the Roman Period and after the victory of the Galatian King Amyntos became a part of Galatia. During this period Laranda was an important trade centre bound to the Lykaonia Union. It belonged to the Roman and later Byzantine Empire until it was captured by the Seljuks in the early 12th century.

Karaman was occupied by Frederick Barbarossa in 1190 and by Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia between 1211 and 1216 and taken by Seljuks state soon. In order to secure the Mediterranean coasts of the Seljuks state, Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat of the Anatolian Seljuks placed Karamanoğulları, who came from the Avşar tribe of the Türkmen (Oğuz) in Karaman, Ermenek, Mut, Gülnar, Silifke, Anamur, Mersin, Alanya and Antalya. Due to the weakening of the Anatolian Seljuk State and especially the defeat to the Mongols in the war of Kösedağ, the Mongol calamity started in Anotolia. The Anatolian Seljuk State, which weakened after 1260 and could not dominate the region, was replaced by the Mongol sovereignty. The Mongol occupation and the disorder raising in every corner of Anatolia led to the foundation of a state by Karamanoğulları, who were more crowded than the other principalities and skillful in military affairs. With the escape from Seljuks and Mongol sovereignity and the participation of volunteers, Karamanoğulları gained strength and under the leadership of Kerimuddin, Karaman, son of a Türkmen Sufist Nure Sofi, and declared their independence and founded the Karamanoğlu principality in 1256. After the fall of the Anatolian Seljuk State in 1308 Karamanoğuları dominated Konya and its vicinity. Because they owned the Seljuk capital they claimed to be heirs of the state and struggled to gain a political union in Anatolia. For this reason, they fought against the Mongols for many years. Their domain reached the Mediterranean coast. In the early 14th century Karamanoğulları was the strongest principality in Anatolia. Its domain consisted of Karaman, Konya, Sivas, Kayseri, Niğde, Adana, Antalya, Silifke, Anamur, Mut, Ermenek, Gülnar, Alanya, Gaziantep, Isparta and Beyşehir. Another strong principality at that period was the Ottoman Principality. From the 14th century, these two principalities came face to face. Wars between the two principalities took almost 150 years. After several wars during the reign of Sultan Mehmet ll (conqueror) the Karamanoglu principality came to an end in 1467 and became a part of Ottoman Empire.At first, Larende became a Sanjak Center bound to the province of Konya and during the reign of Sultan Suleyman(Great Suleyman) a Country Center. After the declaration of the Republic of Türkiye , the name of Larende which was subordinate to the province of Konya was changed to Karaman. With the act number 3589 of 15th June in 1989, it became the 70th province of Türkiye.

Geography and Transportation

The city is 1033 m above sea level and its surface area is 9,393 km2. Karaman is located in 36 28 and 37 32 northern parallels, and in 32 32 to 34 07 east longitudes. The northern part of the city is plain, the southern part of the city is mountainous and hilly. Cumra is in northwest, Karapınar and Ereğli are in north, Halkapınar is in northeast, central district of Mersin is in east,  Erdemli, Mut, Gülnar, Bozyazı and Anamur districts of Mersin are in south, Alanya and Gazipasa districts of Antalya are in southwest, Taşkent and Bozkır districts are in west of Karaman. There are six district of the province of Karaman. These are the Centrum, Basyayla, Ermenek, Kazımkarabekir and Sarıveliler.

Karaman is at the crossroads of the transportation web of Türkiye and considered to be the logistics center between Central Anatolia and Mediterranean Sea. The city, having one of the most developed rail transport networks of central Türkiye, will be a logistics hub as the İstanbul High Speed Train Railway Project along with Mersin, Adana, Karaman, Konya, Ankara, Eskisehir and Karaman-Antalya and Karaman-Mersin road projects come to an end. Also the city is only one hour distance to Konya Airport. Karaman is two hours away from the largest port of Türkiye, Mersin International Port, which has 15 million tons of cargo handled every year, providing a unique opportunity to reach to the world market with low transportation and raw material costs. Thanks to its modern highway network, Karaman has a cost advantage in raw material procurement and product distribution. Its convenient location allows companies to reach 15 million people in 3 hours.

Climate and Vegetation

Karaman has a typical continental climate. Winters are cold and harsh, the summers are hot and rainless. Continental climate prevails in the high highlands mountain areas. Characteristics of the Mediterranean climate is seen through the plain areas that Goksu Stream passes. The temperature in winter decreases to -17 C. The average temperature is 30 C during the summer months. Annual average rainfall varies from 300 to 450 mm. City lands typical climate is steppe because of the area that remains in the  steppe vegetation. In mountainous regions there are forests occured from trees and shrubs. Forests are covered with oak, juniper, larch, pine, ash and acacia trees.


Most of the Karaman lands are covered with vast lowlands. The south of the province is mountainous. Taurus Mountains extend from west to east. It is 1014 meters above sea level. The highest point Karadag in Northwest is 2288 meters. Karadag is a dormant volcanic volcano. Yunt Mountain (2,227 m), Oyuklu Mountain (2,427 m), Ozyurt Mountain (2481 m) and Kartaltepe (2,226 m) are important mountains.


Karaman is built on the vast lowlands. Karaman Lowland is 20 km wide and 30 km long. Ayranci Lowland is between Eregli Lowland and Karaman Lowland and at the bottom of Kocadere Valley. Streams Arising from high mountains by forming deep valleys irrigate these lowlands. The town Ermenek is surrounded by high highlands.


Ermenek, Basyayla and Sariveliler districts are located in the south and on magnificient medium Taurus mountains. The two main branches of Goksu River which are in this region by joining with Middle Taurus mountains and make up steep and deep cliffed Taşeli (Klikya) plateau. The plateaus of Karaman are Balkusan, Altintas, and Tekecati. Beekeeping is especially practiced in the Balkusan plateau. It is famous for its honey.


Gödet, Ayrancı, Ibrala, Ermenek dams are the main water sources of Karaman. Akgöl lake is in the Ayranci District. The lake is a natural bird sanctuary and has about 300 species of birds. Acıgöl is located in Suleymanhaci Village.


There is no large stream in the province of Karaman. Goksu runlet is the largest stream. This stream which Passes through Taseli highland, fed by the Geyik Mountains water and pours into the Mediterranean and its arms named Hadim and Ermenek passes thorugh Karaman, united in the district of Mersin Mut. By Descending from the high mountains, they make up deep valleys. İbrala Stream originates from the northern slopes of the Toros Mountains and flows through Sudurağı, Beydili and Akçaşehir paths and flows into Akgöl.

High Speed Train

The high speed train construction between Konya and Karaman is completed. Passenger transport is started. Travel time between Konya and Karaman is approximately 45 minutes. Travel times with high speed train are shortened. 2.5 hours between Karaman and Ankara; 5 hours between Karaman and Istanbul. High-speed train construction from Karaman to Mersin continues.

Modern Highways

Karaman-Konya-Ankara / Karaman-Mersin / Karaman-Antalya / Karaman-Ereğli-Adana highways have been completed as double lanes. Transportation to the city by road is extremely easy. The Biggest Port of Türkiye: Mersin Port is just 2 Hours drive away from Karaman thanks to the highways and railway.

Karaman is a peaceful, easy to live small-medium city which is surrounded with metropolitans...

15 million people in 3 hours distance by land and railway...

At the center of the 6 provinces which are in the top 10 populated  provinces of the country...


According to the data of 2023, the total population of Karaman province is 263,960 Karaman center population is 208,199 people. 51% of Karaman population is 35 years old and younger population.

According to the Address-Based Population Registration System of 2023, the population of Karaman is 263,960 and it constitutes 0.3% of Türkiye's population, which is 85,372,377. When a comparison is made on the basis of provinces, Karaman ranks 67th in Türkiye in terms of population. The number of people per square kilometer in Karaman is 30. The population growth rate in Karaman in 2023 is %1,2 per thousand.



Districts 2022 2023 Town and Villages City City Residence Rate Population Growth Rate Area (km2) Population Density (person/km2)
Ayrancı 7.608 7.630 5.199 2.431 31,86% 0,29% 2.245 3
Başyayla 3.432 3.434 1.490 1.944 56,61% 0,06% 141 24
Ermenek 27.776 28.103 16.546 11.557 41,12% 1,18% 1.242 23
Kazımkarabekir 4.531 4.710 1.105 3.605 76,54% 3,95% 423 11
Karaman Central District 206.240 208.199 32.128 176.071 84,57% 0,95% 4.036 52
Sarıveliler 11.251 11.884 6.220 5.664 47,66% 5,63% 590 20
Total 260.838 263.960 60.902 201.272 76,25% 1,20% 8.677 30

Source: TUIK 2023 (* Calculations were made by Karaman Investment Support Office)

When the population indicators of Karaman province and its districts in 2022/2023 are examined, it is seen that the population has increased (1.20%) when all regions of the province are taken into account. On the basis of districts, it is seen that the population of Başyayla has remained the same but the population has increased in Ayrancı, Ermenek, Kazımkarabekir, Karaman and Sarıveliler ecreased in Ayrancı, Başyayla, Ermenek and Sarıveliler districts, and increased in Kazımkarabekir and Karaman Central districts. In addition, there is a higher population density in Karaman Central district, Başyayla, Sarıveliler and Ermenek districts. Another important indicator is the high rate of residence in villages and towns in Ayrancı district.

Young Population – Potential Workforce

The group aged 35 and under, which we can call the young population of Karaman province, corresponds to 51% of the total population. The total population of 35 and below is 133.811.

When we look at the distribution of Karaman population by age groups, the working-age population in the 15-64 age group constitutes 68% of the total population. 

When we look at the distribution of Türkiye's population by age groups, the working age population in the 15-64 age group constitutes 68.3% of the total population. 

Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) "Life Index in Provinces" Study

The Life Index in Provinces study was first published by TUIK in 2016. The Life Index in Provinces study covers a total of 41 indicators under the dimensions of housing, working life, income and wealth, health, education, environment, security, civic participation, access to infrastructure services, social life, life satisfaction, which have a great impact on individual life. In this study, Karaman ranked 25th among 81 provinces.


Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University is the university of Karaman.It is founded by state. Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University has 11 faculties, 2 graduate schools, 6 vocational schools, 3 institutes and 22 research centers. The number of students at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University is 21.643 and number of academic and administrative staff is 1.163. Since its establisment 39.894 students have been graduated from Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University meets the needs of engineers and technical staff trained for the Food and Energy sectors that stand out in the region.

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University is one of the important institutions of our country with around 21.000 students and nearly 200 undergraduate, associate and postgraduate programs. It aims to make significant contributions to Turkish higher education, especially in the fields of Turkish language, food and agriculture, and energy, with laboratories and conference halls at international standards, social and sports facilities in its large campus.

As of the 2022-2023 academic year, there are 281 (251 public, 33 private) schools in Karaman. In addition, 55.773 students receive education in public, private and open education institutions. Karaman also has an important place in vocational and technical education. Vocational schools, vocational and technical high schools and other high schools that provide qualified workforce to different sectors also contribute to the workforce. Anatolian High Schools and private colleges that provide education in English also contribute to the educational life of our city.

There are 62 pre-school education institutions, 46 official and 16 private, in Karaman during the 2022-2023 academic year.

Schooling Rates;

Schooling rates in Karaman in the 2021-2022 academic period: While it is 88.66% in pre-school education (5 years old), it is 93.51% in primary education.

There are 6 non-formal education (Public Education Center) centers operating in Karaman.

Karaman province has a literacy rate of 98.21% in terms of basic education. In Türkiye, this rate is 97.52. In Karaman, The proportion of women in illiterate population is higher than men.

According to TÜİK data, in the 2021-2022 period, the number of students per teacher in primary school in Karaman is 14, 11 in secondary school and 11 in secondary education. In Türkiye, it is 18 in primary school, 14 in secondary school and 13 in secondary education.

In 2021-2022, the net schooling  rates for secondary education are 91.74 % in Karaman.






Karaman, which is the gateway of the Central Anatolia Region to the Mediterranean, has hosted many civilizations throughout history. Karaman's location on the historical silk roads and its current economic potential have always kept its commercial life alive. Karaman, with its arable lands, is the center of the food manufacturing industry based on rich agricultural and animal production. There are modern industrial facilities in Karaman that employ a large number of workforce. Karaman occupies an important place in the biscuit and chocolate industry in the country's production. Approximately 35% of Türkiye's biscuit production is carried out in Karaman.

Karaman is effective in biscuit, chocolate, cake wafer, flour, bulgur, pasta, fruit storage and processing industry, packaging, textile, animal products industry, milk and dairy products, agriculture and food machinery industry, feed industry, forest products processing and mining industry. It is among the promising cities with its companies that have a say in country economy.

With its industry and foreign trade potential that exports to more than 160 countries, Karaman makes very important contributions in line with the targets of our country, in proportion to the size of the city. On the journey of our region to become an important economic corridor; Karaman's export-based economy, agricultural infrastructure, deep-rooted industrial culture, and investments that continue without slowing down have significant contributions.

There is 1 Organized Industrial Zone in Karaman. The establishment process of the 2nd Organized Industrial Zone continues. Similarly, the process of establishing Karaman Technology Development Zone and Karaman Free Zone continues. 

Regarding the logistics infrastructure of Karaman, Karaman Ring Road, Karaman-Mut Road, Ermenek-Mut Road, Ayrancı-Erdemli Road projects are continuing. The railway high-speed train connection between Konya and Karaman has been made suitable for 200 km/h, double-track, electrified and signaled. Karaman - Ulukışla - Yenice New Railway and 2nd Line Construction Project is also continuing.

In 2022, Karaman exported 310 million dollars to 154 countries.

-Karaman ranks 28th in Türkiye with a GDP per capita of 70.495 TL in 2021.

-37% of Karaman lands are agricultural land. Although 71% of agricultural lands are irrigable areas, the total irrigated area is 43.5% of agricultural lands.

-In Karaman, products such as wheat, barley, corn, sunflower, sugar beet, apple and beans are grown intensively. Karaman was among the top 5 provinces in Türkiye in terms of 13 different agricultural products in 2022.

-Our province ranks first in our country in terms of the number of certified apple trees.

-Karaman is among the first 3 provinces in Türkiye in terms of apple production, although its ranking changes every year according to climatic conditions.

The research of Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), Türkiye's largest first 500 and 2nd largest 500 companies-2021

There  are 1 company from Karaman on the first 500 list, and 3 companies on the 2nd largest 500 list, that are announced by ISO.

Karaman Sanayi ve Ekonomi Analizi (2021)
Elma Hedef Pazar Araştırma Raporu (2021)
Karaman Dış Ticaret Analiz Raporu (2019)
Karaman Bisküvi, Şekerli Mamuller, Çikolata, Kakao ve Kakao Müstahzarları Sektör Raporu (2018)
Culture and Tourism

“Our door is open whoever enters; our food is halal whoever eats”

A city that nurtures scholars and great people who became unforgetable figures in Turkish and global history. You will fall in love with this city after getting to know its historical richness, experiencing the cultural uniqness and familirasing yourself with the picturesque surroundings.

Although unknown to many, Karaman is the city where Hz. Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi, commonly known in West as the Rumi lived for a period of time before settling in the town of Konya and Karaman sadly is also the city where his mother Mümine Hatun reached her eternal rest. It is also a beatiful city that is the hometown of a famous love and peace envoy called Hz. Yunus Emre. Yunus Emre’s inpiration was to shine a a light of kind heartnessness on the whole humaity by saying “Come let us all be friends for once”.

Karaman is the city of Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey who firmly stated; “After this day, no one in the council chamber, the dervishes lodge, the palace, the parliament and the square will use any language other than Turkish”. Karamanoglu Mehmet Bey’s grandson Ibrahim Bey also had a message to mankind “Our door is open whoever enters; our food is halal whoever eats”.

It is worth mentioning that Karaman is also the hometown of a world-renowned Turkish Sailor Piri Reis who was a first man who draw the world map for the first time in history. Karaman is also the hometown of two main figures in recent history, the Founder and the First President of the Republic of Türkiye, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the commander of Eastern Army during the First World War, Kazim Karabekir Pasha.

Before the Ottoman Empire, Karaman was the capital city of Karamanid Principality for many years. Karaman is an ancient city where each street still has the mystical scents of history, with significant footprints from various eras and civilizations.

When you reach this beautiful city through well presented graceful apple orchards, not only you feel the traces of different civilizations on the streets, you will also witness the historical harmony in the culture and daily life of the locals.


Karaman castle welcomes you on a small hill overlooking the city. According to the legend, Karaman castle was surrounded by hordes of Mongolian soldiers. The Mongol thread was defused by intrigue - the Karamanid soldiers wrapped in fur disguised themselves in the heard of sheep then infiltrated the Mongol army. As a result of this strategy came a popular saying "The Karaman's sheep sooner or later will play a trick on you"

As soon as you enter Karaman castle, you will see an open-air museum that used to be a palace. If you go to one of the towers of this well preserved castle, you will see the great view of the city of Karaman stretching out between the two mountains. With a short carriage ride, you will reach the Hatuniye Madrasah, which sets an example for the world heritage with its magnificent crown gate. Who knows how many dedicated ancient scholars of those days such as Molla Fenari or Zenbilli Ali Efendi passed through this door. Next to the Madrasah, the Karaman City Museum exhibits fascinating artefacts from thousands of years of history in the region.

In addition, in the archaeological exhibition hall, there is a mummy estimated to have lived between 1000-1200 AD, discovered in Taşkale Manazan Caves not far from Karaman. The wonder of this mummy is that it was naturally preserved until modern times without any mummification techniques, earning it the name “Beauty of Manazan”

With a short walk, you can reach Aktekke Mosque (Mader-i Mevlana) integrated within the city square. After visiting the mosque you may want to rest under the centuries-old plane tree that challenges the years with its  grand outlook in the courtyard, and shelters the tomb of  Hz. Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi’s Mother, Mumine Hatun.

Every year in April, the symbolic event of Mevlana’s leaving Karaman for Konya is performed by local theatrical artists under this plane tree and Şeb-i Arus (Wedding Night) is held in December.

Karaman Tourism Information Centre is located in the city's busiest street, in a historical building where you can relax and get to know Karaman. The Centre providing information about Karaman's stunning natural landscape, history, economy, cultural and tourism values harmonized with the latest technology and visual contents was enriched with the wax statues of historically known Karaman’s people, information kiosks, navigation binoculars, thematic maps, aerial, walk and bus trip simulations.

Within a little distance, Yunus Emre Mosque built with typical characteristics of the Karamanid Principality architecture welcomes you to the tomb of famous Turkish philosopher Yunus Emre. Like Rumi, Yunus Emre was a famous mystical brand originated in Karaman who wrote celebrated lines;

“Come let us be all friends for once,

Let us make life easy on us,

Let us be loved ones and lovers,

The world shall be left to no one.”

In the rear of the mosque is a small poetry park dedicated to Yunus Emre with his poetry written both in pure and clean Turkish language of Anatolia.

In a more recent era, the Tartan family were very well known in Karaman. The historic Tartan Mansion located in the Topucak neighbourhood of Karaman within a protected area of the city provides unique example of traditional Turkish housing. In particular, it is noteworthy that the decorations engraved in pencil work rather than wooden work is glamorous. On the interior walls of the house, there are pencil depictions of Istanbul, many varied plants and even pencilled clocks.

In front of Tartan Mansion, the Çeşmeli Church (Church with Fountain) used as a prison in recent years will greet you with its grandeur.


Karadag mountain, located 25 km to the north of the city of Karaman, shines as brightly as a star offering you a splendid natural enviroment as well as history,culture and faith. With its potential of nature and faith tourism, it takes you to the depths of history whilst offering a visual feast with its nature. Karadag is an extinct volcanic mountain which forms one of the routes of St. Paul's on his route to Ephesus when he spread the gospel in Türkiye. One church in particular, Binbir Church was one of the most important Christianity center in this region. These ruins show the density in the places, known by the locals as Binbir Church around Madenşehir ruins, Yukarı ruins and Değle ruins.

Besides Christian churches, you will find civil and military locations, castles, mausoleums and even an ancient Roman pool. In addition, Hittite hieroglyphic inscriptions considered sacred by the Hittites can be seen in Karadag.

As well as being an area of religious devoution, there is also great wilderness around the mountain. The Yılkı Horses grazing around the Great Crater have been living freely for centuries with all their naturalness and nobleness.


Between Yeşildere and Taşkale villages, in the the north of the Yeşildere Valley, you can visit the 5-storey Manazan Caves carved by hands on a mass of high rock displaying the samples of community housing of that time. Due to its natural structure, the formed cells and the carved rooms can maintain the various organic crops such as wheat, barley and pulses without deteriorating for a long period of time. Granaries located in Taşkale Village have been completely carved out of human hand since Byzantine period and are still used even in our times.

There is no other example of Taş Mescit located next to these Granaries. It is not worth to leave Taşkale without seeing the İncesu Cave which is one of Türkiye's longest caves. The stalactites and stalagmites formed in different colors and the pools formed by water droplets will present a visual ceremony for you.


After about 1.5 hours of enjoyable driving, accompanied by natural pine odours and spectacular views, you reach the city of Ermenek surrounded by canyons and rivers in the heart of the Central Taurus Mountains. The mysterious, steep and impenetrable mountains of Steep Kilikya have always made Ermenek an unique place.

You will not be able to resist the pleasure of the scents coming from regional endemic plants, the glowing blue waters in the middle of the high Taurus Mountains, the spectacular necropolises of ancient cities and the abysmal caves and  the cedar forests inspired the greatest love stories of the history. Karaman is a rare city with number of natural, historical and touristic attractions. In brief,  as famous poet from Karaman, Bekir Sıtkı Erdoğan expressed on one of his poem “Karaman can not be described all by writing;

Go and visit the Imaret,

Who’s come and gone from time to time

In brief, that the city of Karaman

Can not be described all by writing


Click here for the programs and activities that can be done in the Karaman province.


Karaman Yemekleri
Karaman'ın Evleri (Sivil Mimari)
Türkçe'nin Başkenti Karaman
Karaman'ın Kiliseleri
Karaman'ın Medreseleri
Karaman'ın Mağaraları
Gödet Vadisi Saklı Cennet
Karaman'ın Kaleleri
Ermenek ve Turkuaz Baraj Gölü
Divle Tulum Peyniri
Roma Havuzu ve Askeri Tesisler
Geçmişten Günümüze Karaman ve Turizm



Ayrancı is located between 37°36' North latitude and 33°68' East longitude. Its distance from Karaman city center is 45 km. The average altitude of the district is 1.135 meters above sea level. The district is surrounded by Karapınar district of Konya in the north, Mersin province in the south, Karaman in the west and Ereğli district of Konya in the east. The area of the district is 2.432,1 km².

The total population of Ayrancı district was 7.608in 2022.

The economic structure in the district is mostly based on agriculture and animal husbandry. However, a dynamism has been observed in the mining and renewable energy sectors in recent years.

The Socio-Economic Development Ranking Research (SEGE) study is updated in 2022. This study objectively measures and compares the socio-economic development of districts. Within the scope of the study, 56 variables are used. As a result of the analysis, the index scores and ranks of the districts are determined, and the districts are grouped in 6 development levels according to the scores. As a result of the study, Ayrancı district is ranked 773th among 973 districts in our country. With this value, it is in the 6th place among 6 districts including the Karaman central district in our province. It is in the 5th group in the development level ranking of the districts in Türkiye.

Ayrancı İlçe Raporu

Başyayla district is located between 36°75' North latitude and 32°68' East longitude. Its distance from Karaman city center is 180 km. The average altitude of the district above sea level is 1.400 meters. The district is surrounded by the Taşkent district of Konya in the north, Ermenek in the south, Sarıveliler in the west and Ermenek district in the east. The area of the district is 228.99 km².

The total population of Başyayla district was 3.432in 2022.

The Socio-Economic Development Ranking Research (SEGE) study is updated in 2022. This study objectively measures and compares the socio-economic development of districts. Within the scope of the study, 56 variables are used. As a result of the analysis, the index scores and ranks of the districts are determined, and the districts aregrouped in 6 development levels according to the scores. As a result of the study,Başyayla district is ranked661st among 973 districts in our country. With this value, it is in the 4th place among 6 districts including the Karaman central district in our province. It is in the 5th group in the development level ranking of the districts in Türkiye.

Başyayla İlçe Raporu

Ermenek district of Karaman province is located between 36°58' North latitude and 32°53' East longitude. Its distance from Karaman city center is 160 km. The average altitude of the district above sea level is 1.250 meters. The district is surrounded by Karaman, Hadim district in the north, Gazipaşa district in Antalya province, Anamur district in Mersin in the south, Sarıveliler, Başyayla districts in the west, and Mut and Gülnar districts in Mersin in the east. The area of the district is 1.222,9 km².

The total population of Ermenek district was 27.776in 2022.

The Socio-Economic Development Ranking Research (SEGE) study is updated in 2022. This study objectively measures and compares the socio-economic development of districts. Within the scope of the study, 56 variables are used. As a result of the analysis, the index scores and ranks of the districts are determined, and the districts are grouped in 6 development levels according to the scores. As a result of the study, Ermenekdistrict is ranked 477th among 973 districts in our country. With this value, it is in the 3rdplace among 6 districts including the Karaman central district in our province. It is in the 4th group in the development level ranking of the districts in Türkiye.

Ermenek İlçe Raporu
Karaman (Central District)

Karaman Central District is located between 37°11' North latitude and 33°15' East longitude. The average elevation of the province above sea level is 1.033 meters. Karamanis surrounded by Konya in the north of the province, Mersin in the south, Antalya in the west and Ereğli district of Konya in the east. Karaman Central area is 4.143 km².

The total population of Karaman Central Districtwas 206.240in 2022.

The Socio-Economic Development Ranking Research (SEGE) study is updated in 2022. This study objectively measures and compares the socio-economic development of districts. Within the scope of the study, 56 variables are used. As a result of the analysis, the index scores and ranks of the districts are determined, and the districts are grouped in 6 development levels according to the scores. As a result of the study, Karaman Centraldistrict is ranked 168th among 973 districts in our country. With this value, it is in the 1stplace among 6 districts. It is in the 2ndgroup in the development level ranking of the districts in Türkiye.

Karaman Merkez İlçe Raporu

Kazımkarabekir district is located between 37°14' North latitude and 32°57' East longitude. Its distance from Karaman city center is 24 km. The average elevation of the district above sea level is 1.030 meters. The district is surrounded by Çumra district of Konya in the north, Hadim district of Konya in the south, Güneysinir district of Konya in the west and Karaman province in the east. The area of the district is 385,2 km².

The total population of Kazımkarabekir district was 4.531in 2022.

The Socio-Economic Development Ranking Research (SEGE) study is updated in 2022. This study objectively measures and compares the socio-economic development of districts. Within the scope of the study, 56 variables are used. As a result of the analysis, the index scores and ranks of the districts are determined, and the districts are grouped in 6 development levels according to the scores. As a result of the study, Kazımkarabekirdistrict is ranked 334th among 973 districts in our country. With this value, it is in the 2ndplace among 6 districts including the Karaman central district in our province. It is in the 3rdgroup in the development level ranking of the districts in Türkiye.

Kazımkarabekir İlçe Raporu

Sarıveliler district is located between 36°70' North latitude and 32°61' East longitude. Its distance from Karaman city center is 165 km. The average altitude of the district above sea level is 1.650 meters. The district is surrounded by Taşkent district of Konya province in the north of the district, Gazipaşa district of Antalya province in the south, Alanya district of Antalya province in the west and Ermenek district in the east. The area of the district is 409.56 km².

The total population of Sarıveliler district was 11.251in 2022.

The Socio-Economic Development Ranking Research (SEGE) study is updated in 2022. This study objectively measures and compares the socio-economic development of districts. Within the scope of the study, 56 variables are used. As a result of the analysis, the index scores and ranks of the districts are determined, and the districts are grouped in 6 development levels according to the scores. As a result of the study, Sarıvelilerdistrict is ranked 745th among 973 districts in our country. With this value, it is in the 5th place among 6 districts including the Karaman central district in our province. It is in the 5th group in the development level ranking of the districts in Türkiye.

Sarıveliler İlçe Raporu
Karaman Investment Support Office
T.R. Mevlana Development Agency
Karaman Investment Support Office

Rauf Denktaş Mahallesi, Kazım Karabekir Paşa Cad. Huzur Apt. No: 48/A Karaman TÜRKİYE 70100
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