Mevlana Development Agency


Mevlana Development Agency is a regional governmental organization. Our Agency was established by the council of ministers decision, numbered 2008/14306 and dated 22 November 2008, on the basis of “Establishment, Coordination and Missions of Development Agencies” law dated 25.01.2006 and numbered 5449. MEVKA is one of the 26 development agencies in Türkiye, founded with the Law 5449.

Development agencies are public legal entities aiming to reduce the inter-regional and intra-regional disparities, to create a sustainable and competitive regional economy and to accelerate the regional development by mobilizing the local potential by developing the corporation between public, private sector and NGOs. MEVKA is operating in TR52 NUTS 2 region, having its center in Konya and covering Konya and Karaman provinces.

Vision and Mission

To become a region that makes a competitive production on the basis of institutionalization, branding, quality, clustering, innovation in national and international level; lives healty, educated and cultured individuals; preserves the civilizational values and shares them globally. 

Konya and Karaman Investment Support Offices (ISO)

It is a department for the investors willing to invest in the region, that operates free of charge as

One Stop Shop:

  • Coordinates licenses and permits operations,
  • Promote the investment climate of the region,
  • Provide free information to investors and entrepreneurs.
Karaman Investment Support Office
T.R. Mevlana Development Agency
Karaman Investment Support Office

Rauf Denktaş Mahallesi, Kazım Karabekir Paşa Cad. Huzur Apt. No: 48/A Karaman TÜRKİYE 70100
All kinds of information and documents published on this site have been provided by Mevlana Development Agency. All rights reserved. © 2025