Featured Figures
Prominent Statistical Data in Karaman Province
Thousand Tons - Apple Sector Center
Among the top 3 in production
Biscuit, Chocolate Industry Base
35% of Sectoral Production
KWh/m2-year - Solar Energy Potential
Highest Sunshine Radiation Rate
The Province with the Lowest Earthquake Risk
Karaman is
Among the Provinces with the Lowest Unemployment Rate (2023)
Company in Food Machinery Industry
Developing and Growing Food Machinery Industry
Export to 163 Country
$301 Million (2023)
Karaman Investment Support Office
T.R. Mevlana Development Agency
Karaman Investment Support Office

Ahi Osman Mahallesi İsmet Paşa Caddesi No:2
Daire: 2 Merkez / Karaman TÜRKİYE 70100
All kinds of information and documents published on this site have been provided by Mevlana Development Agency. All rights reserved. © 2024